Wednesday, November 26, 2008

==>> $800 bn new bailout program

Fed have yet again announced new Resuce program of $800 bn to unfreeze credit for home buyers, comsumers and small businesses. The Central will purchase as much as $600 bn in debt issued by housing finance companies. And $200 bn will give a support to consumer and small business loans. If the worry is that will this be enough to solve the problems created in the US. If the major Financial services provider like Lehman, US top bank like CITI, automobile giant GM, can go bankcrupt, there could me many more like them. Rumors in the market, that BOA can be the next in the line for the Resuce help from the US govt. US housing prices are still falling. There will be more job losses in US. China is facing severe export losses. US was the major clinets for its exports. The Finanacial crisis in US have dropped the imports form China. India have been saved from this masacared, because the exports is very small compared to China.

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